Monday, August 25, 2008

Yet more beta changes to Mages(4)

Improved Frost Nova renamed Ice Floes, moved to tier 1, increased to 3 ranks, now reduces cooldown of Frost Nova, Cone of Cold, Ice Block, and Icy Veins by 7/14/20%. Magic Absorption reduced to 2 ranks, increases resistances by .5/1 point per level, and restores 1/3% of total mana on a resist. Master of Elements now affects all spell criticals. Mind Mastery reduced to 3/6/9/12/15%. Molten Shields now gives Fire Ward and Frost Ward spells a 15/30% chance to reflect the warded spell. Prismatic Cloak (Arcane)increased to 3 ranks for 1/2/3% and now also reduces the fade time of Invisibility by 1/2 seconds. Pyroblast cast time has been reduced to 5 seconds. wow gold Shatter no longer has a prerequisite.cane Fiery Payback now reduces the cast time of Pyroblast by 1.8/3.5 seconds when below 35% health and also increases its cooldown by 2.5/5 seconds. Mana cost on Arcane Barrage Rank 3 reduced from 610 to 592. Ice Floes is now a Tier 1 talent instead of Tier 6. wow gold The new description is: Reduces the cooldown of your Frost Nova, Cone of Cold, Ice Block and Icy Veins spells by 7%/14%/20%. Elemental Precision is now a Tier 2 talent instead of Tier 1. The new description is: Reduces the mana cost and chance targets resist your Frost and Fire spells by 1/2/3%. wow Before this patch it increased your chance to hit by 1/2/3%. Improved Frost Nova removed. Shatter no longer has Improved Frost Nova as prerequisite. wow gold New Talent: Cold as Ice: Reduces the cooldown of your Cold Snap, Ice Barrier, Deep Freeze and Summon Water Elemental spells by 10/20%. Requires 1 point in Cold Snap and 25 points in Frost Talents. Winters Chill talent reworked. mp3 player It is now a 3 point talent instead of 5 points and now gives your Frost damage spells a 33/66/100% chance to apply the Winters Chill effect which increases the chance Arcane, Fire and Frost Spells will critically hit the target by 2% for 15 sec.
Stacks up to 5 times. Shattered Barrier description changed to: Gives your Ice Barrier spell a 50/100% chance to freeze all enemies within 10 yds for 8 sec when it is destroyed. wow gold The first thing that really jumps out at me here is the change to Fiery Payback, which makes it impossible to spam a 1.5 second Pyroblast at less than 35% health.

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